These are the questions which are usually asked by our customers. If your question is still not in the list, you can Contact Us.
These are the questions which are usually asked by our customers. If your question is still not in the list, you can Contact Us.
Parcel will be delivered by Leopard Courier Service.
Yes. You can have a Free Delivery all over in Pakistan. Order on 3,500 /- PKR and above
Minimum order amount is PKR. 200 (excluding delivery charges).
Yes you can cancel your order. Once we make a confirmation call, then you will have still 2 days left to think about order cancellation. 2 Days after confirmation call, your order will be dispatched.
Karachi customers will receive parcels in 1-2 business days after dispatching order. Other cities can take 2-4 business days after dispatching order. Orders are usually dispatched within 24 business hours.
Yes. There are a few other ways to place an order.
There is no return policy. Once you make an order, order is proceed from our side. But you can cancel your order within 1-2 days. And, if your order is damaged/defected, We will surely refund you full amount. But we always make sure our customers order is fine in quality before dispatch.
We currently don’t have any shop/outlet in the world. We are operating our business online.
Yes sure, bulk discount mentioned in product pages (if applicable). Please contact us for more information. We can make a good deal.